Photograph - © Bruce A. Morrison
Earth Day today - the 50th year that folks have been trying to remind
others of the importance of the well being of our planet home. Its a
tricky year and time to remind anyone that they need to take care of the
nest we're all inhabiting.
The current opening of public lands for mining or drilling, proposed withdrawals of environmental protections such as the National Environmental Policy Act, stifling
the input of biologists and experts in the sciences, allowing a step
"back" of water and air quality rules...even regulations pertaining to
mercury; its a dark time indeed.
there are still people and non-profits working right now to keep the
short term profit industries and interests from defiling our home - but
they need your support! If you cannot afford to join the many good
organizations out there working to keep our natural heritage safe for
our grand children - speak out! Look into the records of your elected
officials - their records supporting a safe and healthy environment, and
vote accordingly; and let them know you will do so!
so many are spending their time trying to find interesting things to
keep them occupied...isn't it a good time to hold people accountable for
not keeping your best interests in mind? Isn't it a good time to take
the kids outside and even just explore their listen to the
birds, catch some insects...see that there is something tangibly
wonderful about creation!
in Spring; breathe in the gift of the natural world that still exists
around you...even the small pockets are wonderful. Be engaged in your
world or it will be lost to the short term greed of a very small few.
This Earth is your home and the Earth needs a good steward - treat it
like family, after all you were born from it and are kin to it. Think
of it as "that" each day and you will find your love for the natural
world around you becomes more important throughout the year.